BillingServ is hosted in the cloud. 100% Uptime Guaranteed!
Start your free 14 day trial today.
We offer a rolling month to month contract, you can cancel at anytime through your own Identity Account which allows you to control every aspect of your BillingServ account.
Yes all our prices are excluding VAT at 20% in the UK.
BillingServ is 100% focused on you. Our ‘anytime, anywhere’ promise extends to our support teams who will field your enquiries 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year.
BillingServ can be rebranded with your branding. You will need to be on our Starter plan and up. If you need any help with rebranding you can contact our support team.
Switching to BillingServ is simple. No downloads, no integrations. Just import your data, and we’ll do the rest. Still not convinced? Review our platform for more reasons to switch to BillingServ.