Another Week, Another Update, BillingServ V2.2.2 is here 🎉

We've been hard at work over the last few weeks, bringing more features and bug fixes to BillingServ; some exciting times are ahead with the new features that will launch soon.

We're pleased to announce that our newly upgraded Plesk plugin is here; sell Plesk hosting to your heart's content; you can create, suspend, unsuspend and terminate customers' accounts from within BillingServ, plus set automatic suspend limits via the invoice settings to make sure everything is automated.

While our plugin will allow you to control the user's accounts for the moment, we will expand upon the plugin further; we want to add a full control system for your users so they never have to log in to Plesk again.

Cancelling a Service!

We noticed one important thing which wasn't included in BillingServ, which was the ability for users to cancel a service on their own, so we fixed that, and it's now included in v2.2.2; the service will then be terminated either immediately or at the end of the billing term.

Hello, Guten Tag, Bonjour, to our new language selection.

We've been working hard on bringing our new language selection tool, which has been added to the Admin Area and on the front end too. We've also added support for RTL languages, which will help all users to better navigate our system.

We will continue to add new languages as they are completed to make sure we have every language we need to support your users.

Bug fixes, Bug fixes, oh and bug fixes!

We've also been working hard to squash those pesky bugs, which we've done rather well; we've upgraded cPanel, admin panel refinements, Stripe, and much more.

The work doesn't stop here; we are planning on some pretty big releases, so watch this space; it will only get better from here.